Prospective funding opportunities for adoption worth looking into:
The National Adoption FoundationNational Adoption Program makes quarterly grants ranging from $500 to $4,000 to adopting parents. There is no income requirement. Contact them at (203) 791-3811.
OneCause and the National Adoption Foundation have teamed up to help you fund your adoption! OneCause is a nontraditional fundraising program that helps you earn money for your adoption through a variety of everyday opportunities. You can pay agency and homestudy fees, travel expenses legal costs and more just by enrolling and participating in their programs. Your friends and relatives can even get involved to help you finance your adoption faster, you can download a letter or brochure to send to family and friends.
Hebrew Free Loan AssociationHebrew Free Loan Association offers adoption loans (interest free) to Jewish families who demonstrate financial need and strong desire to adopt a child. Northern California residents.
The ABBA FundThe ABBA Fund provides financial assistance to Christian couples who need help with the "cash flow crunch" posed by adoption expenses. Adopting couples may request financial assistance in any amount, based upon their needs. The couple will enter into a covenant agreement with The ABBA Fund whereby the couple agrees to reimburse The ABBA Fund in manageable monthly payments. Financial assistance provided by The ABBA Fund is interest free. Couples seeking assistance must complete an application, and assistance will be provided by The ABBA Fund in stages as the adoption process moves along.
A Child Waits FoundationA Child Waits Foundation provides low interest loans for families who do not have any other option than to request a loan in order to proceed with international adoption.
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